To continue I need your help in prayer and monthly financial support. Will you partner with me and invest in what God is doing in Africa? I do feel confident that God has placed a unique and powerful call over my life to not only serve locally here in Pittsburgh but serve the continent of Africa through SOS Adventure and I would love to continue to share this with you and have you come along on the journey in this way! 

Join the team!

Why Partner with me?

All through out the bible we see this concept of supporting missionaries being discussed and encouraged by those who are living in full time ministry.

Numbers 18 God highlights to the people that the levites are his faithful servants and deserve the best portion and to be taken care of!

In 1 and 2 corinthians we see paul talking on and off about giving to those who serve full time with a Pure and open heart, the mission cannot be completed without the churches support!

Giving to a missionary is a way to partner with God in His work by financially supporting individuals who are actively spreading the Gospel to the Unreached corners of the earth! You are not just giving, you are apart of this journey with me by investing in the kingdom of God!

How can you partner?

PRAYER ~ Become a prayer partner! Matthew 18:19-20 says “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” Prayer changes things! I need a team of prayer warriors ready to back me and what God is doing in Pittsburgh and Africa!

GIVE ~ Become a monthly Financial partner! I can’t do this alone and by investing in me you are also investing in the kingdom of God!

Connect with me!

I would love to share what Jesus is doing in my heart and in the lives of so many across the US and Africa! Lets get a coffee or schedule a phone call together! You can reach me by my phone number 412-965-2378 or my email

You are touching a life and changing a nation by your giving and prayer, it's important to know how vital you are to this mission and appreciative I am of all you have done in pray and in investing financially, THANK YOU. 

Here’s some instructions

1. Select "Cassie DiDomenico" from drop down menu for fund designation

2. Check the box if you want to help cover the processing fees for your gift

3. Enter the amount you want to give and how often you wish to give, there should be a reoccurring payment option!

4. Enter your personal information

5. Click "Donate" at the bottom of the prompt!