Our vision is to love people - preach Jesus, Serve Africa and effectively train/Equip disciples for the Harvest!

SOS Adventure is a non-profit, evangelistic, missions ministry. We organize massive festivals in the African continent and equip teams to serve alongside us. The Holy Spirit is our Director and Jesus the love of our lives. We travel through the African frontiers with our hearts set on one thing: To preach the precious message of the Gospel to the lost!

Want to know more? Click the link to go directly to our website!

SOS History

In 1996, Johannes Amritzer and wife Maria traveled through the jungles of Kenya to preach the Gospel to the the Maasai people and other tribes. That became the first of many festivals.

“I was called as an evangelist in the end times to preach the Gospel to unreached people groups, to help bring restoration of the Book of Acts in my generation, and to see the early church being geographically reestablished.” - Johannes Amritzer

What Johannes and Maria started grew like wildfire. They were pioneering a movement that reached across Europe and were preaching the Gospel to unreached tribes in South America, Southeast Asia, India, and many countries on the continent of Africa. They would do whatever needed to be done to see a festival happen. They sold their belongings to generate finances; they preached from platforms that were wooden tables tied together with rope. There were many obstacles to overcome on their journey, but one thing was certain: Signs, wonders, and miracles followed them wherever they went.

Who is SOS?

This is a compilation of testimonies and victory report videos from festivals in 2024!

